Jim Lobley stanind on balance tools'

Living fully and growing younger as we age.

Coaching • Training • Lectures

With The Long Game, I work with people to break down their goals into manageable steps and establish habits that enables healthy aging. It's about finding the momentum to change, and then riding the wave of good habits. Let's create a community to make the most of our health span and well-being.

The goal of longevity is not simply to live longer, but to be more fully alive as we age. So how do we do this?

By nourishing and supporting the regeneration of our bodies on a cellular level

By engaging our bodies in the full range of human movement potential

By continuously challenging and stimulating our brains

By connecting to one another, and to our own selves

Middle Aged Woman Stretching

Longevity Coaching

Longevity coaching will help you make choices that lead to greater freedom and happiness while aging. I will help you identify your weak spots, whats working for you and develop a custom daily and a weekly routine.  It just makes sense to embrace a long game that keeps your mind and body sharp and that helps you age gracefully as the years pass by.

Develop a Longevity Practice

It’s about  small changes to habits and routines that over time add up to have a significant impact on your health.

Longevity Coaching Companion

For many of us, we’re just waiting for somebody to light the path for us.


Lecture Series

Every month I will be offering a new lecture on topics around longevity and lifestyle, focused on the things we can all be doing to extend our health-spans. Join me for the FREE discussion that’s open to the public and space is limited due to Covid policy, so sign up today!

Jim Lobley Lecture

For most older adults, good health ensures independence, security, and productivity as they age.

Our health and longevity is determined by the choices we make. But making choices about how you want to live can be hard for many of us. The daily grind can make it easier to fall into complacency and get stuck in a routine. But starting with simple steps you can reap the benefits for many years.

Chronic Disease
The leading causes of death among older adults in the U.S. are chronic diseases.heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes.
1 out 4 Falls
One out of four older adults falls each year. Older adults are hospitalized for fall-related injuries five times more often than for injuries from other causes.
As people age, they experience some diminishment of cognitive abilities. For many older adults, the decline becomes sufficiently serious that they are no longer able to live independently and manage their lives.
Middle Aged Asian Woman exercise in front on laptop

Have Questions where to begin your longevity journey?

Schedule a call to discuss you needs.

let's talk